Dear Trader/Investor,
The risk profiling questionnaire is meant to measure the risk tolerance as well as time horizon in investing. The questionnaire is designed to show which type of investment approach may suit you best. Each answer would be given a point. The total score would suggest the appropriate risk profiling and risk assessment and suitability of service for you.
Investment involves risk. The price of securities may go down as well as up, and under certain circumstances an investor may sustain a total or substantial loss of investment. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of the future or likely performance of the fund. Investors should read the relevant information document/ statement of additional information and do your own further research before making your investment decisions. An Investor should make an appraisal of the risks involved in investing in these products and should consult their own independent and professional advisors, to ensure that any decision made is suitable with regards to their circumstances and financial position
Our advice: There are not any right or wrong answers, please follow your instincts and answer the questions. Please answer the following questions by selecting only one response to each question
IMPORTANT: Before making any investment decisions, it important to understand your attitude towards risk. This helps identify an appropriate mix of investments that you are comfortable with. nobal research Risk Profiling Tool will help you understand your ability to bear risk and identify the asset classes to match your investment needs