Premium Base Metals service is designed for traders who want to earn higher returns with bigger targets. In this service, we generate calls in commodities in which bigger movement is expected intraday. We generate calls purely based on technical analysis, so as to get maximum returns out of the intraday movement.
MCX Premium is best suited for traders who trade in all the commodities and trade in multiple lots. The unique proposition for the subscriber for this product is that analysts maintain proper risk-reward ratio for trades.
We have a team of the most experienced research team who work with full dedication with an aim to help the investors and our clients in order to achieve the profits they have targeted for.
Service Features
We provide you 1 – 2 Intra Day Calls.
Lead, Zinc, Copper, Nickel & Aluminium Calls covered under this pack.
Proper follow-ups and news information.
Commodity Market overview.
Daily and weekly Commodity Newsletters.
Complete Support will be provided throughout the trading day.
We provide you Best Base Metals Tips on Intraday Basis.
Proper follow ups of calls with timely Entry and Exit with Stop loss.
Commodity Market overview.
Important data information through market hours.
Daily and weekly Commodity Newsletters.
24/7 customer support.
We provide you call through SMS.
In Our Base Metal Basic Tips trading recommendation are provided in Copper, Zinc, Lead, Nickel & Aluminium. Less volatile traders who cannot trade in precious metal. In base metal with an excellent identification of how they must observe the moving pattern in the base metal market and will also provide reliable base metal tips. This is an excellent tip of less volatile commodity counters which provides a good return to the investors.
The medium of Calls:
Calls and recommendations are given through SMS and on instant messenger LIVE.
All GSM and CDMA networks are covered.
Our research team provides daily 2 to 3 calls in base metals and energy market, by which commodity traders can make money through our intraday calls in zinc, lead, copper, nickel, crude oil, and natural gas. We Assures Above 90 % Accuracy in this section of calls, means that if you have 40 calls in a month then 36 will be profitable calls, this is a very good pack for those traders who do not trade in bullion market due to high volatility in bullion, safe traders or traders who just start trading in base metals can go for this pack.