A team of research analysts who are specialized in Metals & energy market track these highly volatile precious metals and energy commodities. Our team keeps an eye on the global market and correlates the Indian market with it, in this service you can get intraday trading calls in MCX Precious Metals & Energy.
In this component of the carrier, our research team gives day-to-day 2 to 3 calls in base metals and power market, during which commodity traders can generate income thru our intraday calls in zinc, lead, copper, nickel, crude oil, and pure fuel. We Assure up to 90% Accuracy in this part of calls. This is a superb pack for these merchants who do not change in bullion market as a result of excessive volatility in bullion, protected traders or merchants who just begin buying and selling in base metals can go for this percent.
What Will You Get-
3-4 trading calls either from Precious Metals and Energy.
You will get Support and resistance from extensive analysts.
World market updates will be provided to the traders in order to keep them up to date.
Weekly Technical Report.
We have achieved a high level of accuracy in this plan on a consistent basis.
Timely Follow Ups of all the calls.
All Important Market-related News & Information.
Domestic & World Market overview.
Calls are provided through SMS and chat room.
Medium of Calls
Calls Will Be Given Only On SMS.
India: All GSM & CDMA Networks Covered.