This is a package specially designed for our most esteemed HNI clients who are interested in getting the most accurate Calls and that also less in number. So in this pack, we give very few with High Accuracy. The calls are designed according to the client's portfolio. We make traders big by giving max returns. We assign a separate Business Analyst to the clients who have taken our HNI Pack for managing their portfolio. Calls are specifically designed as per the trading style and portfolio of the traders. Our Clients who have trusted us for premium services and have chosen us month over month based on highly professional and accurate recommendations that they receive from our team. Timeliness and accuracy are our pillars of strength. For this reason, the team only accepts a specific number of clients each month to ensure that each HNI client gets full attention in a timely manner.
Risk Type: Moderate Risk
Service Features
Intraday calls in Precious Metals, Base Metals and Energy as per client requirement.
Live support from our analysts.
Focused personalized service according to your investment and trading patterns in the commodities market.
Dedicated Research Analyst & Relationship manager for all your trades.
Ultra-accuracy call before important global data bursts.
You will be keeping positions in MCX for bigger targets in addition to the regular intraday trades.
In this pack, we will provide you 4-5 calls in a week.
Each call consists of 2 targets and 1 Stop loss.
Maximum 1-2 open position at a time.
Proper follow-ups and Market News Updates.
We provide our Clients with very good accuracy in this service.
Domestic and Global Market position Overview.
Compulsory to trade with a minimum of 2 lots.
A fully customized plan is prepared for all HNI clients. Please do not hesitate to ask our analyst or relationship manager about details pertaining to any or all of the services mentioned above if you are an HNI individual.
Sample Calls
SMR MCX HNI: BUY MCX GOLD ABOVE 27700 TGT 27780/27920 SL-27590: TIME : 11:15 AM:
Follow Ups